We held our youth hurling tournament in Brewster Park on Sunday 1st October.
The event was very well supported and we thank all the teams who attended – Ballycastle McQuillans (Antrim), Cuchalainn an Ghleanna (Tyrone), Belnaleck, Naomh Aodhan’s and Lisbellaw.
There were some fantastic skills on show from all sides as the groups were whittled down to the semi-final stages. Ballycastle came out on top against Lisbellaw and Enniskillen battled hard to come through against Naomh Aodhan’s.
The long journey down to Fermanagh was ultimately fruitful for the Ballycastle boys as they beat Enniskillen Gaels in the final.
Many thanks go to all the players, coaches and mentors who put on a great show on the day. To the parents and guardians who travelled the length and breadth of the the province to get to the games. The referees Ollie and Paul who were excellent (and exhausted) by the end of the day. The Enniskillen Gaels team of volunteers who made sandwiches, kept the kettles boiled, cooked burgers and sausages and provided all round excellent hospitality to our visitors. Shaun Donnelly for organising the event and last but not least Pilgrim’s Food Masters for their generous sponsorship of the event.

Pilgrim’s Food Masters Youth hurling tournament,hosted by Enniskillen Gaels Pictured is the sponsor Ex Fermanagh and Antrim hurler Barney McAuley, Shaun Donnelly Ekn Gaels